Monday, August 13, 2012


Dear Doll-face,

I once read that cats are like teenagers, and for the most part they just like to be left alone.  In light of this discovery, I thought I'd share more ways in which cats and teenagers are similar.  Enjoy.

Both cats and teenagers are naturally curious, they sometimes get themselves into trouble this way but to them it's all fun and games.


 Both cats and teenagers tend to dislike showers.


 Like cats, teenagers are also picky eaters.


 Also, cats and teenagers both require a lot of sleep.


 A widely known fact, both cats and teenagers spend a lot of time fretting about their appearances.


 Another widely known fact: both teenagers and cats have an internet and technology addiction. They can't help it, it's part of who they are.


Lastly, both cats and teenagers have excellent tastes in music.


(Okay I guess I made that last one up...)

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