Dear Doll-face,
You'll probably read this on your layover in Istanbul, so I thought I might as well blog to you about what we'll be doing tonight in preparation for you're return tomorrow.
I just gave Bella a bath. It's getting warmer out so she really needs the monthly flea baths to try and start the war preemptively. She hates them, and I don't understand why. When she gets a bath it's like an hour of attention completely dedicated to her. I keep telling her to think of it as extra heavy pets. She just keeps trying to bull rush me out of the shower so it'll all stop sooner.
Other than that, we're trying to finish up the laundry and dishes we didn't do during the boil order madness. We're also picking up the living room and dining room, they are a little bit scattered since Michael organized the tool closet. Also he cleaned the laundry room.
In general, we did spring cleaning and now the house is scary clean in ways it hasn't been clean since I've ever lived here. We're also going to go out and clean out the car, because we need to take some things to my mom's and some things just need to be pulled out of it to make sure there is room for your luggage... Like shoes, I always seem to have shoes in my car. It's annoying as heck but it keeps happening.
I started a radio station on Pandora based around the song Madness by Muse. It might have been the best decision I've ever made. I now have very little desire to do anything besides listen to music.
Okay, so now I need to go clean more.
Safe Travels.
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