Saturday, April 20, 2013

(9) Boil Orders and other B.S.

Dear Doll-face,

We had a flood.  It was so bad that one of the day programs got cancelled so I picked up an extra shift at work because people had to stay home.  The buses couldn't get to the day program building due to the flooding. It has been since Thursday last week since I've had a day off. I get one Monday.  Just today and tomorrow more and then I can get a break. I am so ready for this.

Yesterday it SNOWED and your brother mowed the lawn.  Figure that out. We turned off the heat to save on electric since it was barely being used, and now we are freezing in the early mornings and late at night. I'm hardcore though, so I tell your brother to suck it up and put on more clothes.

So, along with the flooding, we had a boil order because the treatment plant was also flooded. It just got lifted, thank goodness. It made work a nightmare.  When you've got 8 people who take their meds and need to drink water with them, and you are out of the bottled water, you run into a problem.  Last night we were boiling pots on all four stove tops and pouring it into pitchers.

We've also got a new person visiting this weekend. She is replacing the resident that died a a couple of months ago. (We all really miss her still.) She's visiting this weekend but will move in May 1st after the paper work is signed off on. Senior staff is rolling their eyes about her actually returning to her old house for a couple of weeks, apparently the last 3 new residents that "visited for a weekend" the old staff just never picked them up so they stayed.  That seems pretty dumb to me, but whatever I guess. She's fairly independent, so she does her own meds and has open community time.  Thank goodness, I couldn't handle another wheelchair. I've been trying to steadily pick up extra hours, so far so good. I usually clock about 3 extra a week, but once college is out, that will stop because one of the girls won't need to leave early anymore.

Killer snuck outside today.  He isn't home yet.  He'll hopefully get home soon.  I feel for him, but he just can't be out there were he can eat non-approved of things.  The cats all three have different food dishes that they get at their two different meal times. We're trying really hard to get them used to eating at specific times and eating all of their allotted food at that time.  They still spend a great deal of time begging and herding us to where the food is kept. We currently are sleeping on the pull out at night until we get our bedroom deep cleaned up because L stole a sleeve a saltine crackers and we can't find it.  He meows at the door to try and get in so he can eat food from his cracker stash. It's like he's a druggie.  It's adorable.

We have also been locking Bella in the kitchen at night, which means L comes down stairs and wanders.  At this point he expects to be able to roam after she gets fed, and knows to go upstairs when we start taking down the baby gate.  It's actually kind of cute. With any luck we can keep this routine up and eventually maybe she will get used to his presence downstairs and stop caring.

Anyway, I need to eat some lunch and take a shower. I've been cleaning most of the morning and I am kind of smelly. I don't think my coworkers or clients would appreciate working with me right now. LOVE YOU!!!!!!

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