Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mostly Nothing...

Dear Doll-face,

I am up to.. .mostly nothing.  I go to work, come home.. sleep, do it again the next day.  It's boring.  Very boring.

I need suggestions of things to do.  I have a hard time playing video games because I am always to tired to get invested in them.

I have been trying to read a lot, but restless legs and fidgety hands are killing me there.

Also I need to bake something special for tomorrow since tomorrow will be the last game night Mike is at, he is moving to Ohio to live nearer to his sister and get a better job.  Good for him....

Bah, I have nothing interesting to say.... here's a picture of Bella hiding from Yoda at my mom's house.

Poor Bella... scared of a dog she could eat...

Miss you! <3

Saturday, January 19, 2013

/Head Desk

Dear Doll-face,

I forget how right some of my friends lean.. and when they make mostly uniformed blanket posts on facebook it dulls my senses and I think to myself "how are we even friends?!" I then remind myself that she is still younger than I am, and has not finished school.. and there is time for her to learn and grow yet... just like there is time for me.

Her latest exploit is not believing in evolution .. and I'm not going to take that right away from her.. she has the right to be ignorant and not understand evolution.. it just bothers me because she wants to be a nurse and she is going to have to take a LOT of science classes that are going to challenge that...

I am a student of the social sciences, and it bothers me when people call it a "soft science" because it's not.  Just because my data isn't based in chemicals doesn't mean my science has less merit.... she is taking an anthropology class which talks about the evolution of HUMANITY, so of course in the wee hours of the semester they are going to touch on how humans evolved from shared ancestors.  In her world she hears "humans came from apes" and I can't tell her no, because she has a RIGHT to believe incorrectly, and someone much more educated than me will maybe someday teach her that no, no one actually believes people were once apes, but we do understand that at some point or another we had a shared ancestor  and through EVOLUTION and the STUDY OF ANTHROPOLOGY we see how humans evolved and differed from apes.

I just hope that she doesn't miss the point of the class, which is to explore these evolutions of humanity and how they are different from the ones that we experience.  There is a lot to be learned from different cultures, and I hate to see that get lost because she doesn't believe in one facet of the science behind the entire explanation.  I can still enjoy the beauty of Big Ben without understanding all the gears that work behind his face.

Anyway, that's my little soap box.. and I hope she doesn't see this and feel like I think she's stupid... because honestly I once believed just like she did and I don't think she's stupid.. she just hasn't reconciled her personal beliefs with those of science in a way that I agree with.

In case you are curious.. you can now search out my name and find me on the registered healthcare workers list for the state.. because I am a certified professional now.

Hope you're having an alright evening, study hard, sew hard.

Monday, January 14, 2013

13 Hours

Dear Doll-face,

Thirteen hours is over half of a day.  That's how long I spent at work yesterday.  It was exhausting.

I gave two showers, deep cleaned 4 bathrooms, did buckets of paperwork and laundry... and I know I didn't hold up my end of the shift.  At about 11am (not even half way through my day) I came down with a mega-migraine, I'm just hoping it doesn't get held against me forever.  I guess at some level, it was obvious that I'm still sick because of all the coughing and nose blowing that happened, and I just hope this week I can make it up to them... also I hope I get a lot better fast because I need to be at work at 6am tomorrow.

Your brother went back to school today, so today is the first time I've been alone in the house for more than an hour, it's kind of nice.  I'd forgotten how quiet the house could be. After he gets home at about 2:30 I need to run up to the office and turn in some paperwork and then probably sit on hold for a while on the phone.  It'll suck, but I'm behind on turning in my earnings and I HAVE to do it today.

All of the animals are healthy and annoying.  Charlie and L have been keeping me company in bed since I've still had a headache today.  I hope all is well with you.  Take care.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Days Off?

Dear Doll-face,

I was looking forward to these two days off soo much.  To bad I've spent one of them with a fever and this second one isn't looking like it's going to be much fun either.  To top it all off I've already turned down a total of 5 requests to pick up shifts tonight. I think I could PROBABLY work if I HAD to.  But I feel like if I make myself go in on a night off, especially since I'm not feeling well, it will only keep me sick longer.

I sent your brother to the store earlier to pick up some medicine to try and thin out the congestion in my chest, I can feel it sticking to my lungs when I breathe, it's so gross.

So.. basically it's the couch for me today.  I hope you're doing well.  Hopefully sometime soon I'll have something interesting to report.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Dear Doll-face,

I'm like, super tired.  I was up at 5am to get ready for work... it's almost 10pm and I'm still awake. I'm really looking forward to Thursday and Friday, which I have OFF of work.  I haven't had more than one day off in a long while.

I'm almost done with my "pre-service" time. I just have a couple more papers I need to get signed, which will happen tomorrow. Then by the beginning of next week I should be listed on the healthcare workers registry, and my pay will go up a bit.  Also at that point I can finally get signed off for passing meds at various homes that I end up working at.

I am hoping while I'm off I can get the house picked up and back in order. It's pretty messy right now, but I'm trying to let Michael enjoy the last week of his break before it gets crazy again.

I hope you're doing well, take care of yourself.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Dear Doll-face,

Sorry I'm a little late, but I got pretty busy the last couple of days... sort of anyways.

Both of our roommates have moved out, and no one has expressed any interest in moving in with us, so it looks like it's just your brother and I for the rest of the winter. Once I work my way up to more full time hours this won't be a problem.. but starting out I'm only written in for 26 hours a pay period (so that means 26 hours every two weeks).  We knew I'd be taking an hour cut once I got out of training, but we didn't know nearly how much of a cut.  The trick is answering my phone, which I am not use to doing. On about every other day I have off I get phone calls asking me to pick up extra shifts at different houses, so I just need to start answering my phone and working those shifts.  The more I answer and say yes, the more likely they are to call me when they need someone. I've just gotta keep it up.

In fact new years eve I got a call at 2pm to work from 3 to 9... so I did.  It wasn't bad. We had a new years eve party which meant we made pizza and since everyone had the day off from work the next day we didn't have to pack lunches for anyone. I worked hard though since it was just me and one other staff present. I felt so tired when I got home.

Last night your brother and I used the last of my Christmas money to go out to dinner and see Les Mis. It was awesome. It was done very closely to the musical that I love, but it was too far away from the book your brother loved for him to get super into it. I had to keep reminding him that it was based on a musical about a book, not based on a book. That made it better. We had a lot of fun at the movie, and we were the only two people in the theater there to see it. Luckily there was still a showing of the Hobbit happening so it's not like we were the last people in the theater. We didn't get home until after midnight though.

Speaking of movies, I really want to see this one when it comes out. It looks super cute, and lately I've been in the mood for super cute.

Basically as the new year begins, I am just hoping that this year is better than last year.... because I need a good year. For now I'm relaxing, this week will be hectic, I am working a few split shifts, and it's my last full week of training. My next day off isn't until Sunday, but then Monday is my last day of training, so I expect there will be plenty of opportunities to be at home. Once I get comfortable in my job, and pick up some extra shifts at other houses, I'll probably end up applying for other positions within the agency. For now I am hearing rumors of one of the full time staff at my house dropping down to ER, which could mean more hours for me... which I like the possibility of.  I really love the house I work at, and I don't want to leave it.

Anyway, I need to make a few phone calls and take a shower before I get into work at 3. Take care of yourself. Happy New Years Dollie!